51 - 60 von 300 Ergebnissen

Lost Tramways of England: London North East

Artikel-Nr.: LT London North East

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Hardback | 64 pages | 150 x 200mm
Publication September 2021 | 

Once the largest tramway network in the British Isles, the tramways had belonged to a range of operators until the London Passenger Transport Board was created in July 1933. This resulted in a great variety of tramcars operated in the Metropolis. This is one of four volumes to cover London; the routes to the northeast, were the result of network developments by a number of local authorities and converted to trolleybus operation leading up to 1940.

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Englische Bücher, Straßenbahn

Lost Tramways of England: Bolton, SLT, Wigan & St Helens

Artikel-Nr.: LT Bolton

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Hardback | 64 pages | 150 x 200mm
Publication 24 October 2022 | 

At the peak of Britain’s first-generation tramways, it was possible to travel by tram all the way from Pier Head at Liverpool to the Pennines in Rochdale by tram. Amongst the chain of tramways that formed these links were the services that operated in Bolton, St Helens, Wigan and the company lines controlled by South Lancashire Tramways. Each of these systems had a fascinating history but all were to suffer greatly as a result of lack of maintenance during and after World War I and from bus competition, with the result that only one – Bolton – survived into the post-World War II era.

Locations featured include: Farnworth, Dunscar, Tonge, Horwich, Halliwell, Montserrat, Bury, Huyton, Prescot, Worsley and Leigh.

The Lost Tramways series documents the tram networks which were at the heart of many of Britain’s growing towns and cities from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. An informative, accessible and portable resource for the tram enthusiast as well as the general reader, and a superb souvenir or gift for visitors past and present.

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Englische Bücher, Straßenbahn

Lost Tramways: Manchester South

Artikel-Nr.: LT Manchester South

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Hardback | 64 pages | 150 x 200mm
Publication 30 March 2023 | 

Manchester was at the centre of a network of tramway systems that served the city and the neighbouring towns. This is one of two volumes in the series to cover the tramways of Manchester and focuses on the routes to the south of the city centre and the history of the Manchester system in the build-up to World War II. The tramways underwent considerable investment in the 1920s but a change of manager led to the start of the conversion to bus and trolleybus operation as war approached.

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Englische Bücher, Straßenbahn

Lost Tramways: Manchester North & Salford

Artikel-Nr.: LT Manchester North

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Hardback | 64 pages | 150 x 200mm
Publication 30 March 2023 | 

One of two volumes in the ‘Lost Tramways’ series featuring the tramways of Manchester and its environs, this volume explores in detail the routes to the north of the city centre. Also covered are the history of the city’s tramways in the post-World War II era and those of neighbouring Salford Corporation. Separated by the River Irwell, relations between the two operators was not always harmonious but both were to survive into the late 1940s.

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Englische Bücher, Straßenbahn

Stadskroniek: Tingeling | 150 jaar tram in Antwerpen

Artikel-Nr.: 150 Jaar Antwerpen

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Stadskroniek: Tingeling | 150 jaar tram in Antwerpen

In 2021 lanceerde het Erfgoedlab van Antwerpen de Stadskronieken. Dat zijn verhalen van Antwerpenaren op basis van interessante en gedenkwaardige gebeurtenissen. Ze gaan daarvoor op zoek naar erfgoed en historische informatie en schrijven hun verhaal. Met steun van ErfgoedLab Antwerpen komt de publicatie tot stand. ‘Tingeling | 150 jaar tram in Antwerpen’ is het vijfde boek in de rij. Onder andere het Vlaams Tram en Autobusmuseum VlaTAM als META vzw werkten eraan mee.  

Al 150 jaar speelt de tram een prominente rol in het Antwerpse leven. De tram heeft de Antwerpenaren steevast naar hun werk of naar school gebracht. Hij heeft de feesten en de rampen van de stad meegemaakt. Hij heeft de stad stelselmatig zien veranderen en zelf is hij ook haast synchroon met de stad mee veranderd. De reizigers waren daarbij zijn vaste metgezellen, net als de tramlieden zelf. Het werd wel eens tijd dat hij zijn eigen kroniek kreeg. Het is een boek geworden dat evenzeer over de wereld en de stad gaat als over de tram zelf. Een boek over boze koetsiers, vervaarlijke dames met hoeden, uniformoorlogen, tramverliefdheden, boekskesschooiers, zatte rijtuigen en, godbetert, bermudadragers. Verteld aan de hand van literaire teksten, oude krantenartikels en verrassende werkreglementen. Met een bont gezelschap aan getuigen van vroeger en nu als begeleiders. En met foto’s! Deze kroniek is geen geschiedenis van de tram maar een geschiedenis mét de tram.

  • 2023
  • 128 pagina's
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Startseite, Belgische Bücher, Straßenbahn

Trams Across the Wear: Remembering Sunderland’s Electric Trams

Artikel-Nr.: AHG Wear Sunderland

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Stephen Lockwood. Laminated hardback. 160pp

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Startseite, Englische Bücher, Straßenbahn

The West Midlands Metro and Very Light Railway

Artikel-Nr.: AHG West Mid

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By David Voice.  165 pages containing a review of the system with colour and black and white images throughout.

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Startseite, Englische Bücher, Straßenbahn

Around the Glasgow Tramway System with Peter Mitchell

Artikel-Nr.: AHG Glasgow

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On Tuesday 4th September1962 an estimated quarter of a million people turned out on the streets of Glasgow, in pouring rain, to bid a fond farewell to a form of transport that had been seen in the city since 1872 when horse trams started to ply their trade. On 13th October 1898 the first electric routes operated, with some of these trams remaining in service for over sixty years.

All of the photographs in this book were taken by Londoner Peter Mitchell who visited Glasgow on ten occasions between 1951 and 1962 during which time he took more than a thousand images of the city’s trams. The authors have used a new approach when compiling this book, as it details routes by groups rather than singly. All the images are either to half or full page configuration which allows readers to study the trams and the background in which they worked in great detail.

The book portrays the city streets of Glasgow, its suburbs and the routes beyond its boundary. Standards, Coronations and Cunarders trams are shown to good effect with each picture having the date and time it was taken. Many believe that Glasgow was the greatest tramway city in the United Kingdom; this book illustrates why they think that. The procession of twenty cars from Dalmarnock depot to Coplawhill Works is shown and, despite the inclement weather, the views benefit from someone with a good knowledge of camera settings. An animated dialogue of a tramway enthusiast driving tram 488 many miles around the city on 3rd June 1961 is compelling reading. The opportunity has been taken to include what is a unique photographic record of tram 1282 taking part on a special run from Dalmarnock to Clydebank and back on Thursday 6th September 1962. A loose-leaf map drawn by master cartographer John Gillham is included; this allows the reader to follow each service and complements the way in which the authors describe them in each chapter. This 228-page book, comprising of 406 monochrome images.

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Startseite, Englische Bücher, Straßenbahn

Erfgoedcatalogus Deel 1 Tram: De Buurtspoorwegen De erfgoedcatalogus van is echt wel een must have v

Artikel-Nr.: Deel 1 Buurtspoorwegen

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Startseite, Belgische Bücher, Eisenbahn, Straßenbahn, Schmalspur- u. Feldbahnen

De Antwerpse Tram 1873 - 1979

Artikel-Nr.: Antwerpen 1873-1979

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De Antwerpse Tram 1873 - 1979

Van paardentram tot premetro

Dit monumentale boek brengt een zeer gedetailleerde geschiedenis van de Antwerpse tram vanaf het ontstaan vanaf 1873 van de eerste paardentrambedrijven. In deze bijbel komen diverse aspecten aan bod: de vergunningen, de eenmaking van de verschillende initiatieven tot één vervoerbedrijf, de evolutie van de tram, trolleybus- en autobuslijnen, de tram- en autobusdiensten tijdens de wereldtentoonstelling van 1930, de streektramlijnen van de buurtspoorwegen in de stad, de tarieven, het rollend materieel, de exploitatiegebouwen en de premetro.


Diverse bijlagen met wetten en reglementering, openingsdata van de paardentram- en omnibuslijnen, statistieken en inventarissen vervolledigen het boek.

  • Eric Keutgens
  • Uitgegeven door de Maatschappij voor het Intercommunaal Vervoer te Antwerpen (MIVA)
  • 1980
  • 778 pagina's
  • hardcover
  • D/1980/MIVA
  • 3.271 kg
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Belgische Bücher, Straßenbahn
51 - 60 von 300 Ergebnissen